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Real Estate Portal
Property view 1
Apartment for Sale

Spacious 3BR-2BA Near Metro - Open to Offers!!!

Central Square Metro, Oakwood, Metro Area

Approx. monthly payment: $2,100

Estimated HOA fees: $350/month

1,025 sq ft
3 bedrooms
2 bathrooms

Listed 6 days ago

Realtor with verified identity


Spacious 3BR-2BA Near Metro - Open to Offers!!!, Central Square Metro, Oakwood, Metro Area


Price Reference

Similar properties in the area

Price reference graph

Price per sq ft

This property: $439/sq ft

Average in the area: $465/sq ft

Area Information

These are the closest points of interest within a 1.2 mile radius.

Green Areas

Metro Stations

  • Central Square

    2 mins - 150 meters

  • Oakwood

    8 mins - 652 meters

Bus Stops

  • High School

    1 min - 71 meters

  • Main St / Oak Ave

    1 min - 92 meters

  • City Theater

    2 mins - 181 meters

  • Elm St / Pine Rd

    3 mins - 256 meters

  • Central Park

    3 mins - 236 meters

Contact the Realtor

Receive online credit offers.

We work withFinancePartner

Read our Personal Data Policy before simulating

Security Tips

  • will never ask for passwords, PINs, or verification codes via WhatsApp, phone, SMS, or email.

  • Verify that the property exists and be wary if you're told it needs to be sold or rented urgently.

  • Check the sender of emails to ensure they're from

  • Request as much information as possible about the property, including photos and videos to verify its authenticity.

  • Be suspicious if the price seems too good to be true.

  • Don't use anonymous payment services to pay, reserve, or advance money without having seen the property.

Listing #275711640

"extract": {
    "property": {
      "title": "Spacious 3BR-2BA Near Metro - Open to Offers!!!",
      "location": "Central Square Metro, Oakwood, Metro Area",
      "price": 450000,
      "approx_monthly_payment": 2100,
      "estimated_hoa_fees": 350,
      "size_sq_ft": 1025,
      "bedrooms": 3,
      "bathrooms": 2,
      "price_per_sq_ft": 439,
      "area_avg_price_per_sq_ft": 465,
      "listing_age_days": 6,
      "listing_id": 275711640,
      "realtor_verified": true,
      "contact_methods": ["WhatsApp"],
      "contact_message": "Hello Smith Properties,\nI'm interested in the Spacious 3BR-2BA Near Metro - Open to Offers!!! Please contact me. Thank you!",
      "amenities": [
        "Green Areas",
      "security_tips": [
        " will never ask for passwords, PINs, or verification codes via WhatsApp, phone, SMS, or email.",
        "Verify that the property exists and be wary if you're told it needs to be sold or rented urgently.",
        "Check the sender of emails to ensure they're from",
        "Request as much information as possible about the property, including photos and videos to verify its authenticity.",
        "Be suspicious if the price seems too good to be true.",
        "Don't use anonymous payment services to pay, reserve, or advance money without having seen the property."
      "finance_partner": "FinancePartner",
      "simulate_credit": true,
      "personal_data_policy_notice": true
    "location_details": {
      "metro_stations": [
          "name": "Central Square",
          "distance": "2 mins",
          "meters": 150
          "name": "Oakwood",
          "distance": "8 mins",
          "meters": 652
      "bus_stops": [
          "name": "High School",
          "distance": "1 min",
          "meters": 71
          "name": "Main St / Oak Ave",
          "distance": "1 min",
          "meters": 92
          "name": "City Theater",
          "distance": "2 mins",
          "meters": 181
          "name": "Elm St / Pine Rd",
          "distance": "3 mins",
          "meters": 256
          "name": "Central Park",
          "distance": "3 mins",
          "meters": 236
    "image_gallery": [
"markdown": "![Real Estate Portal](/placeholder.svg)![Market Place](/placeholder.svg)\nJohn Favorites Help List Your Property\n[Home](#)/[Used Properties](#)/[Metro Area](#)/[Oakwood](#)/Central Square Metro\nShare Print PDF\n![Property view 1](/placeholder.svg?height=600&width=800)\n![Gallery image 1](/placeholder.svg?height=600&width=800)![Gallery image 2](/placeholder.svg?height=600&width=800)![Gallery image 3](/placeholder.svg?height=600&width=800)![Gallery image 4](/placeholder.svg?height=600&width=800)\nApartment for Sale\nSpacious 3BR-2BA Near Metro - Open to Offers!!!\n===============================================\nCentral Square Metro, Oakwood, Metro Area\n$450,000\nApprox. monthly payment: $2,100\nEstimated HOA fees: $350/month\n1,025 sq ft\n3 bedrooms\n2 bathrooms\nContact WhatsApp\nListed 6 days ago\nRealtor with verified identity\n### Location\nSpacious 3BR-2BA Near Metro - Open to Offers!!!, Central Square Metro, Oakwood, Metro Area\n![Map](/placeholder.svg)\n### Price Reference\nSimilar properties in the area\n![Price reference graph](/placeholder.svg)\nPrice per sq ft\nThis property: $439/sq ft\nAverage in the area: $465/sq ft\n### Area Information\nThese are the closest points of interest within a 1.2 mile radius.\nTransport\nEducation\nGreen Areas\nShops\nHealth\n### Metro Stations\n* Central Square\n    \n    2 mins - 150 meters\n    \n* Oakwood\n    \n    8 mins - 652 meters\n    \n### Bus Stops\n* High School\n    \n    1 min - 71 meters\n    \n* Main St / Oak Ave\n    \n    1 min - 92 meters\n    \n* City Theater\n    \n    2 mins - 181 meters\n    \n* Elm St / Pine Rd\n    \n    3 mins - 256 meters\n    \n* Central Park\n    \n    3 mins - 236 meters\n    \n### Contact the Realtor\nHello Smith Properties,\
I'm interested in the Spacious 3BR-2BA Near Metro - Open to Offers!!! Please contact me. Thank you! Contact\nReceive online credit offers.\nWe work with![FinancePartner](/placeholder.svg)\nSimulate Credit\nRead our Personal Data Policy before simulating\n### Security Tips\n* will never ask for passwords, PINs, or verification codes via WhatsApp, phone, SMS, or email.\n    \n* Verify that the property exists and be wary if you're told it needs to be sold or rented urgently.\n    \n* Check the sender of emails to ensure they're from\n    \n* Request as much information as possible about the property, including photos and videos to verify its authenticity.\n    \n* Be suspicious if the price seems too good to be true.\n    \n* Don't use anonymous payment services to pay, reserve, or advance money without having seen the property.\n    \nListing #275711640 Report",
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disabled:opacity-50 focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-offset-2 focus-visible:ring-ring ring-offset-background rounded-md [&_svg]:pointer-events-none [&_svg]:shrink-0 [&_svg]:size-4 disabled:pointer-events-none font-medium gap-2 inline-flex items-center justify-center transition-colors whitespace-nowrap hover:bg-accent hover:text-accent-foreground h-10 w-10"data-id=47><svg class="lucide h-5 w-5 lucide-heart"data-id=48 fill=none height=24 stroke=currentColor stroke-linecap=round stroke-linejoin=round stroke-width=2 viewBox="0 0 24 24"width=24 xmlns=><path d="M19 14c1.49-1.46 3-3.21 3-5.5A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 16.5 3c-1.76 0-3 .5-4.5 2-1.5-1.5-2.74-2-4.5-2A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 2 8.5c0 2.3 1.5 4.05 3 5.5l7 7Z"></path></svg></button></div><div data-id=49 class=mt-6><div data-id=50 class="text-3xl font-bold">$450,000</div><p data-id=51 class="text-sm text-muted-foreground">Approx. monthly payment: $2,100<p data-id=52 class="text-sm text-muted-foreground">Estimated HOA fees: $350/month</div><div data-id=53 class="grid gap-4 mt-6 grid-cols-3"><div data-id=54 class="flex gap-2 items-center"><svg class="lucide h-4 w-4 lucide-square"data-id=55 fill=none height=24 stroke=currentColor stroke-linecap=round stroke-linejoin=round stroke-width=2 viewBox="0 0 24 24"width=24 xmlns=><rect height=18 rx=2 width=18 x=3 y=3></rect></svg><span data-id=56>1,025 sq ft</span></div><div data-id=57 class="flex gap-2 items-center"><svg class="lucide h-4 w-4 lucide-bed"data-id=58 fill=none height=24 stroke=currentColor stroke-linecap=round stroke-linejoin=round stroke-width=2 viewBox="0 0 24 24"width=24 xmlns=><path d="M2 4v16"></path><path d="M2 8h18a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v10"></path><path d="M2 17h20"></path><path d="M6 8v9"></path></svg><span data-id=59>3 bedrooms</span></div><div data-id=60 class="flex gap-2 items-center"><svg class="lucide h-4 w-4 lucide-bath"data-id=61 fill=none height=24 stroke=currentColor stroke-linecap=round stroke-linejoin=round stroke-width=2 viewBox="0 0 24 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ring-offset-background rounded-md [&_svg]:pointer-events-none [&_svg]:shrink-0 [&_svg]:size-4 disabled:pointer-events-none font-medium gap-2 inline-flex items-center justify-center transition-colors whitespace-nowrap hover:bg-accent hover:text-accent-foreground h-10 bg-background border border-input px-4 py-2 w-full"data-id=65>WhatsApp</button></div><p data-id=66 class="text-sm text-muted-foreground mt-4">Listed 6 days ago<p data-id=67 class="text-sm text-muted-foreground">Realtor with verified identity</div></div><div data-id=68 class="rounded-lg bg-card border shadow-sm text-card-foreground lg:col-span-2"data-v0-t=card><div data-id=69 class="flex flex-col p-6 space-y-1.5"><h3 class="font-semibold leading-none text-2xl tracking-tight"data-id=70>Location</h3></div><div data-id=71 class="p-6 pt-0"><p data-id=72 class=mb-4>Spacious 3BR-2BA Near Metro - Open to Offers!!!, Central Square Metro, Oakwood, Metro Area<div data-id=73 class="relative aspect-[16/9]"><img alt=Map data-id=74 src=/placeholder.svg class="rounded-lg object-cover"height=400 style=aspect-ratio:800/400;object-fit:cover width=800></div></div></div><div data-id=75 class="rounded-lg bg-card border shadow-sm text-card-foreground lg:col-span-2"data-v0-t=card><div data-id=76 class="flex flex-col p-6 space-y-1.5"><h3 class="font-semibold leading-none text-2xl tracking-tight"data-id=77>Price Reference</h3></div><div data-id=78 class="p-6 pt-0"><p data-id=79 class=mb-4>Similar properties in the area<div data-id=80 class="relative aspect-[16/9]"><img alt="Price reference graph"data-id=81 src=/placeholder.svg class=object-contain height=300 style=aspect-ratio:800/300;object-fit:cover width=800></div><div data-id=82 class=mt-4><p data-id=83>Price per sq ft<p data-id=84>This property: $439/sq ft<p data-id=85>Average in the area: $465/sq ft</div></div></div><div data-id=86 class="rounded-lg bg-card border shadow-sm text-card-foreground lg:col-span-2"data-v0-t=card><div data-id=87 class="flex flex-col p-6 space-y-1.5"><h3 class="font-semibold leading-none text-2xl tracking-tight"data-id=88>Area Information</h3></div><div data-id=89 class="p-6 pt-0"><p data-id=90 class="text-sm text-muted-foreground mb-4">These are the closest points of interest within a 1.2 mile radius.<div data-id=91 class="flex justify-between mb-6"><div data-id=92 class="flex gap-2 items-center flex-col"><svg class="lucide h-6 w-6 lucide-bus"data-id=93 fill=none height=24 stroke=currentColor stroke-linecap=round stroke-linejoin=round stroke-width=2 viewBox="0 0 24 24"width=24 xmlns=><path d="M8 6v6"></path><path d="M15 6v6"></path><path d="M2 12h19.6"></path><path d="M18 18h3s.5-1.7.8-2.8c.1-.4.2-.8.2-1.2 0-.4-.1-.8-.2-1.2l-1.4-5C20.1 6.8 19.1 6 18 6H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v10h3"></path><circle cx=7 cy=18 r=2></circle><path d="M9 18h5"></path><circle cx=16 cy=18 r=2></circle></svg><span data-id=94 class=text-sm>Transport</span></div><div data-id=92 class="flex gap-2 items-center flex-col"><svg class="lucide h-6 w-6 lucide-graduation-cap"data-id=93 fill=none height=24 stroke=currentColor stroke-linecap=round stroke-linejoin=round stroke-width=2 viewBox="0 0 24 24"width=24 xmlns=><path d="M21.42 10.922a1 1 0 0 0-.019-1.838L12.83 5.18a2 2 0 0 0-1.66 0L2.6 9.08a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.832l8.57 3.908a2 2 0 0 0 1.66 0z"></path><path d="M22 10v6"></path><path d="M6 12.5V16a6 3 0 0 0 12 0v-3.5"></path></svg><span data-id=94 class=text-sm>Education</span></div><div data-id=92 class="flex gap-2 items-center flex-col"><svg class="lucide h-6 w-6 lucide-trees"data-id=93 fill=none height=24 stroke=currentColor stroke-linecap=round stroke-linejoin=round stroke-width=2 viewBox="0 0 24 24"width=24 xmlns=><path d="M10 10v.2A3 3 0 0 1 8.9 16v0H5v0h0a3 3 0 0 1-1-5.8V10a3 3 0 0 1 6 0Z"></path><path d="M7 16v6"></path><path d="M13 19v3"></path><path d="M12 19h8.3a1 1 0 0 0 .7-1.7L18 14h.3a1 1 0 0 0 .7-1.7L16 9h.2a1 1 0 0 0 .8-1.7L13 3l-1.4 1.5"></path></svg><span data-id=94 class=text-sm>Green Areas</span></div><div data-id=92 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meters</div></ul></div></div></div></div><div data-id=112 class="rounded-lg bg-card border shadow-sm text-card-foreground lg:col-span-2"data-v0-t=card><div data-id=113 class="flex flex-col p-6 space-y-1.5"><h3 class="font-semibold leading-none text-2xl tracking-tight"data-id=114>Contact the Realtor</h3></div><div data-id=115 class="p-6 pt-0"><textarea class="flex text-sm bg-background border border-input disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:opacity-50 focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-offset-2 focus-visible:ring-ring mb-4 min-h-[80px] placeholder:text-muted-foreground px-3 py-2 ring-offset-background rounded-md w-full"data-id=116 rows=4>
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I'm interested in the Spacious 3BR-2BA Near Metro - Open to Offers!!! Please contact me. Thank you!</textarea><button class="text-sm disabled:opacity-50 focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-offset-2 focus-visible:ring-ring ring-offset-background rounded-md [&_svg]:pointer-events-none [&_svg]:shrink-0 [&_svg]:size-4 disabled:pointer-events-none font-medium gap-2 inline-flex items-center justify-center transition-colors whitespace-nowrap h-10 px-4 py-2 w-full bg-primary hover:bg-primary/90 text-primary-foreground"data-id=117>Contact</button></div></div><div data-id=118 class=space-y-6><div data-id=119 class="rounded-lg bg-card border shadow-sm text-card-foreground"data-v0-t=card><div data-id=120 class=p-6><div data-id=121 class=mb-4><p data-id=122 class=mb-2>Receive online credit offers.<div data-id=123 class="flex gap-2 items-center"><span data-id=124>We work with</span><img alt=FinancePartner data-id=125 src=/placeholder.svg height=30 style=aspect-ratio:60/30;object-fit:cover width=60></div></div><button class="text-sm disabled:opacity-50 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verify its authenticity.<li class="flex gap-2"data-id=133><svg class="lucide h-5 w-5 flex-shrink-0 lucide-triangle-alert text-yellow-500"data-id=134 fill=none height=24 stroke=currentColor stroke-linecap=round stroke-linejoin=round stroke-width=2 viewBox="0 0 24 24"width=24 xmlns=><path d="m21.73 18-8-14a2 2 0 0 0-3.48 0l-8 14A2 2 0 0 0 4 21h16a2 2 0 0 0 1.73-3"></path><path d="M12 9v4"></path><path d="M12 17h.01"></path></svg><p data-id=135 class=text-sm>Be suspicious if the price seems too good to be true.<li class="flex gap-2"data-id=133><svg class="lucide h-5 w-5 flex-shrink-0 lucide-triangle-alert text-yellow-500"data-id=134 fill=none height=24 stroke=currentColor stroke-linecap=round stroke-linejoin=round stroke-width=2 viewBox="0 0 24 24"width=24 xmlns=><path d="m21.73 18-8-14a2 2 0 0 0-3.48 0l-8 14A2 2 0 0 0 4 21h16a2 2 0 0 0 1.73-3"></path><path d="M12 9v4"></path><path d="M12 17h.01"></path></svg><p data-id=135 class=text-sm>Don't use anonymous payment services to pay, reserve, or advance money without having seen the property.</ul></div></div></div></div></div></main><footer class="border-t mt-8"data-id=136><div data-id=137 class="flex items-center container justify-between mx-auto px-4 py-6 text-muted-foreground text-sm"><span data-id=138>Listing #275711640</span><button class="text-sm disabled:opacity-50 focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-offset-2 focus-visible:ring-ring ring-offset-background rounded-md [&_svg]:pointer-events-none [&_svg]:shrink-0 [&_svg]:size-4 disabled:pointer-events-none font-medium gap-2 inline-flex items-center justify-center transition-colors whitespace-nowrap h-9 px-3 hover:underline text-primary underline-offset-4"data-id=139>Report</button></div></footer></div></div>",
"metadata": {
  "title": "Spacious 3BR-2BA Near Metro - Open to Offers!!! |",
  "description": "Spacious 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom apartment near Central Square Metro in Oakwood, open to offers.",
  "language": "en-US",
  "ogTitle": "Spacious 3BR-2BA Near Metro - Open to Offers!!! - $450,000",
  "ogDescription": "Great opportunity, 3-bedroom apartment located near Central Square Metro in Oakwood, with excellent connectivity. Features include spacious bedrooms, open layout, and proximity to transport, shops, and parks.",
  "ogUrl": "",
  "ogImage": "",
  "ogLocaleAlternate": [],
  "sourceURL": "",
  "pageStatusCode": 200
"numTokens": 7444,
"contentTrimmed": false,
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